Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

I’m not sure if it was due to the rain or the fact that it was a week day, but there were definitely fewer boats out today! Scott, Manny & Cory joined me for their annual fishing trip, looking for some big bass bites. Although we began in overcast skies, we all knew it wouldn’t last. It was going to rain on our parade today!

Our first stop should have put plenty of fish in the boat but they struggled just to get bit. Cory managed a couple of nice ones while the others never even had a sniff. After way too long without seeing any fish, I made a move to shallow water and it was here that a couple more quality fish were finally landed. Unfortunately that was all she wrote!

The fishing was definitely much slower than I had expected, but with one more move, it soon turned around. Both Cory & Scott were catching bass but Manny was still having a hard time getting his first legit bite. He did however go three casts in a row with fall fish on his line! The other two brought in several good ones apiece, but I really needed to get Manny into some fish of his own. Time for another move!

With the rain falling pretty good now, I decided that a drift in deeper water would probably be the easiest method and set up where I knew there would be fish. The first several passes yielded some decent fish and a couple of really good ones, but it was Manny’s second fish that would make his trip. It was a true giant of a bass and likely the largest one for my boat this season. He was finally on the board and had lunker of the day! We continued to fish with this method for a while and they kept catching fish. When it finally stopped producing, I made another move and repeated the results once again. It was definitely the right choice of fishing for this wet day!

With the afternoon hours passing fast, we jumped around between casting and drifting and plenty more fish were landed. I think it was Cory however that managed to catch the most, but Scott rallied with several big ones right at the end. We eventually called it after he landed one more fish and headed back in the rain.

These guys are no strangers to bad weather and have endured much colder temps with similar conditions in the past. Today was just a bit of a struggle however with fewer fish than we expected in many of the spots. They definitely worked much harder than usual, but in the end the results were good and Manny’s giant of a bass was the icing on the cake!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation