Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Rick & Danny were back with me again this morning for a day of bass fishing. With little to no wind and temps expected to be in the 90 degree range, I knew it should be good.

Our first spot produced many bites but unfortunately none of them actually got hooked. I was surprised to see this but it happens I guess. We eventually headed to another area in hopes of better success after working it thoroughly.

There were plenty of boats on the water today and I had to fish faster than I would have liked to get to certain places. Covering water seemed to be the ticket though as both Danny & Rick managed to catch many quality bass on soft plastics. With each section of the areas we fished, big bass were present! It was definitely a lot better than where we had started!

We made several moves to different spots today and saw lots of boat traffic along the way. I think anyone that owned a boat was on the water due to the amazing weather!

Late in the afternoon I decided to hit a spot that was literally in the middle of nowhere and Rick managed to get into several more quality fish both on soft plastics and blades. He even brought to net a nice walleye that was unfortunately over the slot limit.

With time getting on, I hit one last spot and we managed one more bass before we were done. Although they struggled today, the fish they caught were big! Quality over quantity is sometimes better and that’s exactly what we had. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but I’m sure it will be equally as good. They will be fishing a half day and I’ll have to get the job done in less time. Challenge accepted!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation