Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Another day of double trips started out with Peter and his kids, Amanda & Michael this morning and Emma & her boyfriend Julian in the afternoon. I only hoped the fishing would be good!

We began the day by trolling for pike & walleye and covered a fair bit of water before getting our first bite. I had a feeling it was going to be a grind after seeing how inactive these fish were! Michael was up and landed his first ever northern!

With the lines back in, I hoped it wouldn’t take as long for the second bite as I noticed a big bend in one of the rods. Amanda was next and she too reeled in her very first pike as well. Things weren’t going as quickly as I had hoped but at least we were seeing some action!

By covering water I was able to pick at the fish pretty regular and managed to get the rotation going. At one point, we even had a double header, with a good keeper sized walleye and another pike. Things were finally picking up!

We trolled for a few hours this morning and they managed to catch a bunch of fish before I pulled the plug. We were going to try a little drop shotting further away, but not before they all took a swim in the water.

With less than an hour remaining in their trip, I stopped on a deep flat and things looked great. There were fish and bait marking all over the area! It didn’t take long to get the first bite and both Michael & Amanda were locked up immediately! Amanda had a small walleye that was immediately released but Michael was into a big smallie. After a few acrobatic leaps and drag pulling runs, I slid his fish into the net. This would be his first and obviously biggest bass!

The remainder of their time was spent making a few more drifts and someone was always hooked up. We ended the day with a triple header that came at the very last minute. What a way to finish their trip!

I headed back and made the switch, picking up Emma & Julian for the afternoon outing! I figured that I would head right back to where I had been and hopefully the fish would still be biting. Emma confirmed that with a walleye on her very first drop. Julian also managed to get into a big smallie soon after and I knew the fish were still on!

We spent most of the afternoon drop shotting in the area and they either caught, or lost, plenty more fish. I made many drifts over different sections until the well went dry! Once I started seeing an empty screen, I moved to another spot and managed to put them on a few more fish before switching to a little trolling.

With the roof up, I headed to an area a short distance away, but spent all my time clearing weeds from the rods. It didn’t seem to matter where I was, the floating grass was all over the water. I couldn’t troll for more than a few seconds without the rods being loaded. Not much fun!

Despite our efforts, eventually I just had to call it on the trolling and went back to another area to drop shot. The last hour saw a few more fish caught by Amanda but both of them had their chances. Too bad Julian couldn’t monopolize on the bites he had! In the end, Emma had caught the first, last, most, biggest and even slammed with a huge pike she landed earlier, while drop shotting the first place they fished.

Today was a bit of a roller coaster with the fishing, but I still managed to get everyone into plenty of action. I’m back on the water again tomorrow with another group and only hope that they too have a great day. It’s all up to the fish now!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation