Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Daniel booked this afternoon, along with 6 of his friends, for a bachelor party outing. Another boat was also required to accommodate the group, so I requested the aid of Mike. Hopefully this would be a great trip!

I was glad that they wanted the afternoon instead of the morning, as the rain was quite intense at times. We however had little to no showers and only briefly at the start!

The first place we ran to showed plenty of life, but it didn’t want to put anything other than a few perch out. After many unsuccessful drifts I knew I needed to make a move. We were going trolling!

Once the lines were set, the four guys decided to pick rods, instead of doing a rotation. The bachelor asked me which rod he should choose and I pointed out the one that I thought would fire first. Minutes later he was reeling in a decent sized northern. I guess it was the right choice!

Immediately after the fish was released another reel fired and it was game on! We spent the next 90 minutes or so covering water and getting into fish. Although mostly pike, there was a high end keeper landed by Daniel that made its way into the box. They would be sampling fresh fish tonight!

After having spent so long on our first spot earlier, we were very limited to the remaining time. They had about 30 minutes left so I decided to go back to where we started and see if the fish would cooperate.

Once I arrived, I could see that the walleye were still there and made a couple of passes over them. Perch were biting everyone’s lines and a few of them even got caught. Daniel did however manage to set into something more substantial and soon after, I was netting a big eye. Although it made for a great pic, it was way too long for them to keep and returned the water unharmed. Too bad that was all she wrote as we were officially out of time!

Time passed fast today in the brief 4 hours we had on the water. They were fortunate to have gotten the bites they did as the fish seemed very inactive. I’m not sure if it was due to all the storms in the morning or just because they didn’t feel like eating. The group didn’t seem bothered by the slow action though, only grateful that everyone in this boat had caught fish. It was also a great way to spend time with their buddies before one of them gets hitched. I’m sure there’s plenty of craziness ahead for this group! Good luck to all of them!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation