Guided Fishing!
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After a few days off the water, due to the weather, I was back out again today. Christiane joined me for almost 2 hours in the morning and Val had the afternoon trip. Big winds scheduled for him once again!

With only a short period of time to fish before heading back out with Val, I decided to remain close. The winds were already pretty big but still doable as I headed to a spot to fish. After several unsuccessful drifts and only perch to show for our efforts, we tried a few more rocky areas even closer to the ramp. I just wanted to get out of the big W/NW winds!

The first spot only produced one small bass but the second one had Christiane hooked up on something big. It took quite a bit of line after the hook set, making me think that it might have been a lunge! Several minutes later I saw that it was actually a drum and netted her catch. A few quick pics and the release was done and so were we. Time had passed quickly and I needed to return to pick up Val for the afternoon.

The lake had gotten much bigger since I launched and I wasn’t sure where we could go! I tried a few of my early season areas close by and unfortunately, they didn’t produce. Several drifts over fish still hadn’t given up any bites and I was forced to make a long run in the big waves.

We finally made it to an area that seemed fishable, but unfortunately, void of fish. The winds were still very bad here but the waves weren’t as we were protected by some of the shallower weed beds. I only wish that it held fish!

I made another long run and managed to get to an area that was definitely fishable. This time however the water color was like chalk and we never even had a hit. Time for another relocation and off we went to another spot further away.

The area we stopped this time actually gave up several fish and some missed strikes as well. Too bad most of the bass were on the small side and released without pics. One walleye was also caught here and we gladly placed it in the livewell for Val tonight. Hopefully there would be more!

Time had passed with all the running around we had done and I really needed to make something work. The giant waves weren’t making it easy though, cutting off most of the areas I wanted to fish! With about an hour remaining, I decided to try another open water spot and just deal with the winds!

First cast yielded a decent bass and I thought we were about to have plenty more. The winds wouldn’t make it any easier as just feeling the bottom was a challenge! Several more smallies including one really good one were boated and released before we were done. Along with the bass was another good keeper walleye and at least Val had dinner for tonight!

Our run back was as I had expected with three & four footers greeting us all the way. I at least was able to ride the waves in the troughs & crests for most and made it back without taking any over the bow. We were officially done!

Val hasn’t been lucky lately with several of his trips being in big winds and huge waves. I hope his luck changes soon as the fall is approaching quickly and the fish are about to become very active. Better days are coming!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation