Guided Fishing!
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Another day on the water and another scorching heat wave, without a stitch of wind! Sam and his brother Chris were joined by Sam’s son, for more pike & walleye action. We trolled the entire day with the roof up as it was just too unbearable in the sun!

The bite started a little slow this morning but eventually we found an area where they were more active. For over an hour reels were firing almost nonstop and a mix of walleye & pike were landed. As with most days, the walleye were all too big and released after a few quick pics.

I hadn’t planned on trolling the entire day, but with the lack of wind and bright sun, I don’t think any of us wanted to leave the shade! There wasn’t even a ripple on the water and it made the fishing quite difficult at times. We had many slow periods, but I always managed to find some fish for them to catch.

The afternoon saw us covering plenty of water searching for more walleye. Between the pike and the oversized walleye, they never really caught any keepers! I even checked out some deeper areas and still managed to find only pike that were active enough to bite. Water temps rose from 70 degrees at the start to almost 76 by late afternoon and the walleye just shut down in the areas we fished.

Despite the rather slow day by my standards, there were still high numbers of fish caught making for another great day. We ran back around 4:00 in waves from all directions but not from any air movement. It was all caused by the boat traffic on the water! I think everyone was out today, enjoying the beautiful weather. Who could blame them as it was the weekend!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation