Guided Fishing!
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Rick, Danny & Kevin were back with me this morning, looking for more sturgeon action. As we neared the area to fish, I could see that we had company. There were already 5 other boats anchored up and doing the same thing. It was going to be a busy day out there!

We managed to boat a good number of fish but the majority of them were on the small side. Rick was the only one fortunate enough to get into a good sized sturgeon, but it wasn’t a real beast.

We stayed until after 1:00 despite all the boats from the nice weather and finally decided to switch to another species. We would be going for walleye & bass and I was hoping the action would be better.

Danny was the first to hook up and it turned out to be a nice keeper eye. He had only been in the water for a couple of minutes and things were looking good! Kevin locked up next with a good smallie showing us that they were here too.

The action wasn’t fast & furious but I was marking all kinds of fish on the bottom and we made several drifts trying to get into them. Rick finally got the hooks to a nice fish but it turned out to be an over walleye and had to be released. He landed another soon after, but it too had to be released due to its size.

We stayed in this area for the remainder of the day and managed to put 5 keepers in the boat. Along with them, there were a few smallies landed and several under walleye and perch as well. By 4:00 we were done!

This was an interesting day to say the least! With yesterday being so miserable out, I guess everyone decided to come out today. I personally like fishing in the wind & rain and would have taken two in a row! We will be back out again tomorrow but on a different body of water in search of some bass. With any luck, they might land some real big ones there too!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation