Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

October 3rd 2018


Tom, Mike & Jean were with me today for a tough outing. We were going to try for sturgeon right away but the NE winds wouldn’t make it easy! Would they bite?

After anchoring up in the big winds, I found that it was doable but not easy. We remained in the area for quite some time with nothing to show for our efforts but one small walleye, one red finned sucker and an ugly eel. Although we had relocated several times, we were still not able to make it happen. One other boat was out there as well and never landed anything either. Time to cut our losses and head elsewhere!

I had figured that we would go for bass & walleye given that the dinosaurs weren’t cooperating and ran to an area to try. I wasn’t sure how it would be as someone was leaving when we arrived! A friend of mine was just pulling out when we were coming in and I knew there wouldn’t be much left to catch!

I set everyone up with a drop shot and showed them what was needed for presentation. I’m sure they all missed fish, but it was Tom that finally locked up first. He was into something heavy and I could tell by the way it was fighting that it was a good one. It turned out to be a big walleye and definitely worthy of a few pics before the release! The others weren’t fending as well and didn’t manage to bring anything to net so I shifted to another area strictly for bass.

A different presentation was needed here so after a quick demonstration, I had them back in the water in search of old bronzeback!

Tom was once again the first to hook up from the back of the boat and although small, it was the right species. After a quick release, he was right back at it with another one soon after. This one was a bit larger but still not worthy of a pic! Mike & Jean were having a hard time getting use to the new baits and missed a couple of fish each before finally hooking up on something. Jean managed to bring one to the net that turned out to be his only bass landed from here. He did have a couple of others hooked but unfortunately not well. Mike on the other hand was just having a hard time getting the hooks to stay in and lost 4 or 5 before he was finally on the board! Tom landed several more and missed a couple of others before we called it a day. We were officially done!

We might have had a tough time at the start of the day, but they rebounded in the afternoon with some good fish. Tom definitely had the hot hand bringing most of them to the net while the others missed most of theirs. In the end though everyone had a great time and the weather couldn’t have been better. Despite the lack of sunshine, the winds layed down and the air temps weren’t too bad either. We are technically in the fall and any day I can get out before freeze up is a bonus. Hopefully this year will take me into December again and I can take advantage of the late season bite. Only time will tell!!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation