Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

August 16th 2018


Olin was with me for a half day morning trip, looking for some action. As usual, I wasn’t worried about catching fish and headed out to start with a little trolling. His wife Cindy was also along, allowing me to use an extra rod, increasing our chances of hooking up.

A quick run to our starting spot and we were fishing! Within 5 minutes, the first reel fired and a small northern was landed. Minutes later another one of equal size came aboard and I knew there would be plenty more before we were done.

I was covering a trench area that had been holding some big walleye lately and really hoped to encounter a few of them on the feed. One northern after the other was taking our baits and several doubles were had on simultaneous hits. Cindy really didn’t want to reel any of them in so I just kept passing the other rod to Olin after netting the first fish. Eventually he did land a walleye, but it on the small side and would have only been a keeper. Today it was not going to happen as I was pressed for time and wanted to leave enough to be able to go for smallmouth. After several more pike, I pulled the lines and headed out.

With a little over an hour left in the morning, I brought Olin for some bass. Soft plastics were what we were going to be using and I was also going to fish and pass the rod when I got bit. Minutes later, I felt a pick up and gave the rod to him. Although he did have the fish on briefly, he really didn’t set the hook and it came unpinned at the boat. Too bad as it was a really good one! We covered the area thoroughly and unfortunately only came up with a few more, along with a couple of missed strikes. One more move to another area nearby had similar results with a few more being landed before we were done.

Half days are always tough as there never seems to be enough time to cover the water I need. Although plenty of fish were landed, it would have been nice to hit a few more areas before we had to leave. I’m sure there would have been many more smallies landed!

Despite only fishing for about 4 hours, Olin still had a great time boating plenty of fish. Without even realizing it, he had landed three different species. The small walleye and bass he had caught gave him the three he needed for the slam! This morning turned out to be a memorable one in Canada, being all the way from Arkansas! Another happy customer with another great day of fishing!!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation