Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

July 22nd 2018


Troy was scheduled to fish with me this morning, along with three others. Well let’s just say that he was the only real fisherman in the group! He was flying solo today and it would be a great choice in the end!

We headed out on the water at 7:00 in a bad S/E wind that saw us running in huge waves. I didn’t care though, as long as I could get to where I needed to go! The fish were big and I wanted Troy to experience the best fishing he had ever seen.

Once we arrived, I set the lines and kept the two other rods nearby as spares, for when we needed them. One minute in the first reel fires and hard! He reels in the first northern of the day and it’s a biggun! I toss another line in quickly and take a few pics before getting back to business. Soon after the reel goes off and this time it’s a big walleye. As soon as it’s in the net, I reset another line and continue fishing as I take more pics of his catch. By always having two lines wet, we were able to monopolize on the limited amount of time we would have today.

Troy couldn’t believe the fishing so far but I knew it was going to get even better! I was hoping to get him a slam today and would save some time near the end to get him a smallie or two, if needed.

As we continued our troll, reels were firing every few minutes. He was bringing in walleye after walleye until he had something jump behind the boat. It didn’t look like a pike and for a very good reason! He had managed to catch a nice largemouth and this gave him the slam I had hoped for too! More pics and back she went. This was proving to be a great day so far!

Sometime mid morning the rain began to fall and the winds picked up slightly, causing the fish to become more active. Hard to believe but it was true! When the next reel fired and he was tight to a big eye, again, the other rod also howled giving us a double. I told him to concentrate on one fish at a time and I just left it in the holder. After I netted his fish, he grabbed the other line and boated yet another huge walleye. He somehow managed to get his own double header and they were both big fish. I quickly set the other two rods and began taking a few pics when one of the reels screamed again. This was chaos at its finest! After he released the pair of walleye he grabbed the rod and brought another golden beauty to net one more time. As fast as I could get the lines in the water, he was fighting more Walters!

We fished through the morning in a light rain, all the while hooking into quality fish. Most of them were big walleye but he did manage to catch two high end keepers that were going back with him for a nice dinner tonight. Along with all the big walleye there were plenty of northerns as well as one more good largemouth bass. He had never caught these before and now he had landed two of them! This was an absolutely insane fishing day with very little down time . Troy managed to catch all kinds of big fish with the majority being gold. I think he found the pot at the end of the rainbow!

Right before 11:30 and after several more fish, we packed up and headed back to take out. I knew the ride back was not going to be pretty but took the waves like a sailboat to arrive at the dock. I had also given a set of keys to Don before leaving this morning and was happy to see my trailer in the water awaiting our arrival. In seconds we were out!

Today couldn’t have gone any better for Troy after finding out he was flying solo. I guess he was lucky, as it just meant more fish for him in the end. This was like the Olympics of walleye fishing and he was the only one competing. He finished the day with plenty of gold medals!!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation