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Another Double Trip Day

July 7th 1019


I had double trips today with Ben & Jen in the morning, followed by Lori & Geof in the afternoon. Both couples had a good time catching all kinds of pike, along with some walleye & bass.

Morning cold front conditions made fishing a little slow by my standards but they still managed to boat plenty of fish in their short 4 hour trip. We ended up fishing smallies for the last hour and they brought some good ones to net.

Lori & Geoff in the afternoon had a much quicker start to their trip with pike coming in hand over fist in the beginning. Geoff landed the only walleye and it was his first one too! We were even checked this afternoon by the game wardens! Nice to finally see them on the lake!

When the bite slowed a bit, we headed to an area I knew, holding tons of gar. Lori wanted to see them and hoped to actually catch one. They were all there, but not really eating. One fish grabbed a senko and was hooked for a while, but eventually came off as I tried to grab it. Oh well, at least they saw plenty of them!

Bass were the last species we went for and although slow, there were still a few of them landed in the remaining time we had.

Today was exhausting but by having great people in the boat, it made it all worthwhile. Both couples had firsts with the pike & walleye and ended with the bass. Four hours go fast, but doubling it up in the same day makes it go even quicker! Busy day but loaded with fun!

Pre Frontal Action

July 5th 2019


Bruno, Chris, Mike & Eric were with me today, after an earlier cancellation due to weather. The forecast was calling for possible thunder storms and visions of a short day were in the back of my mind while we raced to our starting location.

It didn’t take long to get the ball rolling as the first pike was landed. We were trolling an area that was just beginning to produce this season, with the warmer weather. Both pike & walleye were targeted and there were plenty landed for the next several hours.

The skies showed several areas receiving heavy rain but we were fortunate to fish under the roof, in just a light drizzle. In fact, it didn’t last too long and we were able to take the roof down, soon after it passed.

After several hours of successful trolling we switched it up and headed for bass. They were throwing soft plastics and in the remaining couple of hours, landed many more bass. It was a great day all around!

Another Scorcher

July 4th 2019


Celebrating the 4th of July, in Canada! Alyssa and her newly acquired family, from her marriage, were all together for a great day of fishing. They had a blast catching all kinds of fish, despite the excruciating heat wave. Absolutely zero wind made for a tough day with all those damn dog pecker knats!

The large walleye wanted to bite today and they managed to get a bunch of them. Along with the eyes, they also landed some good looking pike. They took turns with the rotations and we also had a few doubles, finally!

Although tough conditions were had, we overcame the sun & heat and put a bit of a beating on the fish today. Temps were pushing the 100 degree mark with humidex, but we stuck it out regardless. Thank god for the roof, otherwise I don’t think we would have made it till lunch! Great day on the water!

A Real Scorcher

July 3rd 2019


Darren & Howard were with me today on what was definitely the hottest day, so far this season! Within 5 minutes after setting the rods, up went the roof and it never came down until the end. We trolled for pike & walleye and even casted for smallies, all the while in the comfort of the shade!

Lots of fish were landed today including plenty of pike and some really nice walleye. For the last couple of hours, we relaxed and casted soft plastics for the bass, boating a bunch of them too!

I don’t know how I managed for so many years without it but am real happy to have the Bimini on days like this! Add to that the XI5 electric by Motor Guide and I never have to leave the cool, shaded area of the boat, except to net fish. Who could ask for anything more!

Another Initiation

July 2nd 2019


Whitney, Jeff & their family were on vacation, all the way from LA, and looking forward to an afternoon of fishing. They were heading to the eastern townships for several days on a lake and managed to hook up with me before leaving.

Their two sons Austin & Logan had never fished before and were really looking forward to catching their first fish! I definitely wanted to get them as many as I could so we concentrated on trolling for pike & walleye. Good choice too as it was a scorcher, but not under the comfort of the roof! It was at least 20 degrees cooler in the shade!

Although it took longer than I had hoped, for the first reel to fire, it was a double and both boys were initiated into the world of fishing!

Plenty more reels fired after and the afternoon was filled with loads more fish. Both pike & walleye were brought to net, with a couple of the eyes making it into the livewell. They would be eating well tonight!

Whitney was the only one without catching anything so I made sure she got the last rod that fired before we called the day. She landed a nice pike and joined the rest, in catching fish today!

Today was a pleasure fishing with the Roy family and I hope we can get together in the future, to do it again! I also hope they are lucky enough to fish, during the rest of their vacation here in Canada!