Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

James was back with me again and this time he brought along his neighbour Eric. He hadn’t done much fishing before, but I knew he would land a bunch today. We were going trolling!

I wanted to get them both into some early morning walleye and began in a spot that had been putting out really big ones lately. Although it took a little longer than expected to fire the first reel, it was definitely worth the wait. James landed his largest walleye ever and it was a good one! Shortly after, Eric also landed an over and this too was his personal best. It was also his first walleye too!

We covered plenty of water and picked at the fish for a while, catching both pike as well as walleye. Eventually I decided to move to another area and they continued fighting more fish. Although a little slower than I had hoped for, the action was still steady. We kept at this for a while longer and then pulled the plug on the troll and headed elsewhere to cast for some bass.

Our first area was loaded, but most of these fish were short striking our baits and tough to land. We must have missed over 75% of them and eventually I just moved. It was way too frustrating to remain here any longer!

Our second stop wasn’t much better and seemed almost void of bass altogether. Our third stop however had them thick and although many were lost, many were also caught. James landed a few really nice ones while Eric struggled to keep his fish pinned. These fish definitely weren’t very active, but at least some of them got caught! I had another pick up to make at 1:30, ending their casting for these bass. We were headed back to get their kids! Riley, Sophia and Giulio would be joining us for the remainder of the afternoon, in hopes of landing a few fish of their own.

I had decided to resume the troll with this many bodies on board and headed to another area in hopes of better action. I raised the roof before getting the lines in the water and dropped the heat wave by about 20 degrees. It was definitely much better in the shade!

Riley, like his father, hadn’t fished before and was first up on the rods. Soon after setting the four lines, he was officially tight to his very first pike ever. James’s kids had been with me several times before and were no stranger to reeling in fish. They all had many turns for the remainder of the trip and full rotations were plentiful. There must have been at least 15 fish boated by them in the couple of hours we were out. Both walleye and pike were caught and they all had a great time reeling in their catches!

Today was another great day of fishing and by mixing up the species, it went fast. Despite it being Canada Day there was less traffic on the water than I had anticipated, making it a joy to be out. Even the ramp wasn’t too bad as I had the boat on the trailer in record time! Overall, definitely a great day for fishing!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation