Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

This was the second day for Jim & Marie and what a day it turned out to be! Although quite a bit cooler than yesterday with the NE winds, they still caught em good. Well Marie did anyway!

Our first stop had Marie hooked up on her first cast and it didn’t end there. She was right back in the zone that she had been in yesterday and it was about to get worse. She landed a bunch of fish in the first hour and some of them were real quality. Jim on the other hand struggled to get bit, but did bring a couple to net.

I had noticed that the winds had positioned the fish differently and the number of big ones just weren’t here. Marie was even having difficulty keeping some of her fish pinned as they weren’t eating well. A slight adjustment soon put them back on the money and plenty more good ones were boated. We remained in this area until the action slowed and eventually changed locations entirely.

I had decided to check a few other spots with fewer boats all around and landed on an area that was just full. It was here that Marie exploded and began crushing the bass. She was just on fire, hooking everything in sight! It didn’t seem to matter where she threw, she was always locked up! Jim on the other hand wasn’t as fortunate, with much fewer bites than his wife. Although he did hook up, I think she out did him ten to one! I actually felt for him, but enjoyed the clinic Marie was putting on! This may have been the best beating I had ever witnessed and it was delivered by a woman! I just loved every minute of the show! At one point I just leaned on the net handle like Ken Dryden use to do on his stick. There was no need to put it down as I knew she would be into another fish on her very next cast!

I made a few moves throughout the afternoon and each time I did, plenty more fish were caught. All sizes were being hooked but the bigger bass were coming from something specific and on one type of bait. Once I realized this, I stayed on it for the balance of the day. Both Jim & Marie boated many more quality bass right up until the end. Marie of course continued her reign of terror with fish on almost every single cast! I think Jim was relieved when the day was finally done. Oh well, happy wife happy life I guess!

The past two days were definitely something special as I got to witness tournament calibre fishing at its finest. I know Marie is still riding on a high, with this trip being her best ever! Jim on the other hand will be licking his wounds, as I’m sure she’ll be bragging about her experience in Canada for quite some time!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation