Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

November 3rd 2018


Day 2 with Craig & Steve and the weather was somewhat better as we headed out. The winds had diminished considerably but the rain had not. In fact we were suppose to have heavier precipitation than yesterday and it was forecasted to last all day long. To make matters worse, the temps were also going to fall throughout the day and snow or freezing rain was a possibility. Just another day in paradise!

We arrived at the water just after 8:00, ready to do battle with some bigger bass today. With the rain falling, we raced to the first spot to fish. Both Craig & Steve were ready for anything and didn’t care about the weather, as long as the fish would bite. Well it didn’t take long for a confirmation as Steve slammed a real beauty in only a couple of minutes. First fish and it was bigger than anything he had caught yesterday! He also managed a couple more nice ones in the next 30 minutes and Craig did too. They were both into some real beauties and the day had just begun!

After fishing this section for a little while and landing several fish, I switched them both to drop shot rigs and relocated. The rain had started to fall a little heavier now and the winds were blowing worse as well, but they didn’t care. The fish were biting and nothing else mattered! Steve was into a fish almost right away and it was another giant. This looked like it was going to be his day! Each time we started in a new area he was into big fish. Can’t complain about that!

I was working deeper water now and it seemed like someone was always hooked up. Both Steve & Craig didn’t care about the wind and rain in their face as they were slamming big smallies. For about 3 or 4 hours they hammered fish and they were all quality. In fact at one point, it seemed like Craig was hooked up on every cast. He got into a groove and could do no wrong! Although Steve was catching, Craig was putting on a clinic!

The conditions had now taken a turn for the worse and the temperatures were falling. You could feel the air getting colder and despite the rain letting up, I was worried that the bite was over. Areas that were on fire had now gone dead and I wasn’t marking fish anymore. All of a sudden the winds grew and it was time to go! Huge waves were upon us in seconds and I knew they were only going to get worse. They were scheduled to blow at more than 35 knots from the NW and I didn’t want to find out if they were right! We packed up and headed back to take out!

We may have only gotten to fish for about 6 hours, but they landed loads of huge bass. We had beaten Mother Nature and endured more miserable conditions once again! This fall has to go down as the worst I’ve ever seen and it doesn’t seem to be letting up, anytime soon! Warmer air temps are forecasted for this coming week but hurricane winds will be tagging along as well. I will have to pick & chose where to fish once again due to her hateful attitude! I just hope that she lets up by the end of the week as Craig will be back with Herm and I know where they will want to go! Back to the land of big & plenty!!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation