Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

September 4th 2018


I had the day off today so Christiane & I headed on the water for a few hours of fishing. We wanted walleye for dinner and needed to get a couple of small keepers to eat. It wasn’t going to be easy with the blazing sunshine and flat calm conditions, but we’d give it a try!

Our first flat produced a couple of bites but we ended up with only a perch to show for our efforts. Our second spot was a little more productive as we were able to put a couple of nice walleye in the livewell for our dinner tonight. Along with those fish were two other overs that we released.

We had only been on the water for a couple of hours and were frying in the heat, but decided to give one last spot a try. This time it would be for smallies and hopefully it would produce.

We managed to catch a few good ones on soft plastics in the short time we remained, but the heat took us out quickly. I didn’t have to be here and neither did Christiane! We packed up and headed in to cooler temps and the pool.

Although today may have been cut short, we still accomplished what we had set out to do by bringing dinner home. I am fortunate to have access to fresh fish pretty much whenever I want. This is probably why I rarely eat it frozen. I always say, frozen fish is for friends & family. I only eat the fresh stuff!!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation