Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

August 27th 2018


Peter was back with Mila and Jakub today. They were hoping for some sturgeon and I assured them that they would catch. I just wasn’t sure of the size as these fish were just starting to arrive.

We set up and Mila hooked into one within 10 minutes. Unfortunately it was a juvenile and not exactly what I was after! Regardless, it was his first and they shot some pics of his catch. With the lines back in, several other bites were had but hookups were missed on most. I did however set into a fish and immediately passed the rod to Peter to fight. It wasn’t big, but it sure put up a big battle! He did land the fish but once again it was a juvenile and released quickly.

Jakub was the only one not to have landed anything yet but he soon felt a hit and set into one of his own. Again it was on the smaller side, but also his first!

I hadn’t taken any pics as of yet due to the size and relocated several times looking for bigger fish. I was also having a hard time marking the larger ones and often had to settle on areas I wasn’t really happy with. Despite the many moves, we still had hits in every one of them. Too bad we couldn’t monopolize on them though as most of the bites were missed.

I had thought we were going to be fishing until at least 3:00 but they informed me that they needed to finish by 12:30 instead. I had less than a half hour to try and make this work! One last move had me staying put until the end. In the 30 minutes remaining, Mila managed to hook and land 2 more fish. The first one was a huge drum that went at least 10 pounds. The second one was also another small sturgeon and even smaller than his first one earlier in the morning.

The time had officially run out and I packed everything up and headed back. Mila was flying home tonight and needed time to pack before leaving. We had put all of our eggs in one basket and gambled on the sturgeon today. Although we did get some, they weren’t the caliber that I was hoping for. I really wanted all of them to do battle with a true giant. Despite only catching little ones, they were happy to have caught something that they had never fought before. In the end, everyone had a great battle with a baby dinosaur. Peter will be back out with me again soon but Jakub & Mila won’t be around anymore. Oh well, I guess Peter will have to tell them about the one that didn’t get away! I know that he will land a true giant before the season is done. Bigger bites sill to come!!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation