Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

James was back today and he brought Randall along for another great day of fishing. They spent the morning catching mostly pike but did manage walleye as well. The best part of the day was still yet to come!

The afternoon saw Sophia & Giulio, James’s children, join us in the boat. I knew they were going to have a great time, as “Kids Rock!” It’s called, the “Kid Factor!”

They all had an excellent afternoon, reeling in plenty more pike and several other walleye. I think the pics will tell the whole story. Combined they were able to bring over 50 fish into the boat. Could have been even more if Randall had of landed all of his! We watched some really good fish come unpinned several times! He did however manage to catch, literally a boatload!

It was a great day on the lake, despite all the boat traffic. Many double headers were had signalling the start of better fishing. I still think the best is yet to come! Can’t wait to get back out and prove that theory!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation