Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

I had an afternoon booking today so I decided to head out early, to do a little scouting. I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to check much out! Each place I looked at held fish and I spent a few minutes casting them to confirm that they were walleye. After releasing a couple of overs, I began looking for areas that I had never fished before. I didn’t find much, other than a couple of small places holding perch & bait, but they definitely had potential!

Anthony, Michael, Max & Sam met me at the dock before 11:30 and I headed back out to fish. I was bringing them for northerns to start off and hoped that they would cooperate!

Five minutes into the troll we were locked up and it was a good one! A couple of minutes later another and I knew it was going to be on fire! I spent about three hours or so combing an area and there were so many fish caught that they just lost count. I also saw an equal amount of fish lost or reels ripping to confirm that there were definitely a bunch of fish where I was. I’m not sure just how many they caught but with the amount of doubles they had, it was a lot.

After they had their fill of the pike, I decided to bring them somewhere for bass. They would now be casting soft plastics to much shallower fish in hopes of aggressive bites.

Once I arrived, I rigged the rods and showed them what to do. I believe it was Michael that hooked up and on his very first cast! He also landed another really good one shortly after and was thrilled to be fighting these smallies for the first time. The others had their chances but it was only Max that finally brought one to the boat. They were all setting too early and only keeping them on briefly, before they got off!

Time passed quickly this afternoon and before we knew it, it was 4:00. I packed everything up and headed back. Surprisingly, there wasn’t as much boat traffic on the lake today, for a weekend. With practically no wind, the ride was quite comfortable too!

This gang had experienced the best day of fishing that they ever had and caught more fish than they could have imagined, in one day! Plenty of quality northerns came in the boat along with a few good bass in the end. It was definitely a trip that they will remember for a long time!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation