Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Lance and his son Chandler were back again today for more action. We started out running in 3 footers hoping to get away from the wind and found the rest of the lake pretty much the same. First spot produced a good bass, on the first cast and unfortunately that was all she wrote!

I was fishing in big waves and they were having a hard time feeling anything, so we changed it up and headed trolling. This proved to be somewhat more comfortable but the fish weren’t cooperating here either. Five on and five off! We just couldn’t seem to keep them pinned and pulled the plug in frustration.

With the winds building I decided to try an area completely exposed to the blow before it got too bad. Here they managed to land several smallies and Chandler even caught his first northern. Go figure, I troll for them and they all get off! He also managed to get into a few bass here as well.

Once the bite slowed and the winds grew more, I moved again to what turned out to be our last spot. The water was very stained from all the wind, making it even more difficult to get bit. Although they had a few strikes, they only managed to land one of the bass from the area. I would have stuck it out longer and tried a few other spots, but they had enough for the day and we packed it in.

The run back was a real roller coaster with 4’s & 5’s in some areas. It definitely was the worst I’ve seen so far this season! I literally had to ride it like a sailboat, tacking a few times along the way. By running in the troughs & crests, we were able to stay dry and not swamp the boat. Sure nice to have power in the main engine again!

Although we never really got into a great bite these last two days, the fishing was still good enough to catch a few firsts. Lance & Chandler got to experience fish that they had never caught before and some new techniques as well. With the winds as bad as they were, I was unable to fish most of the places that I had wanted and had to settle for secondary areas. Add to that the unbelievable amount of floating weeds and drifting over deeper flats, were completely out of the question too! I’m just glad that they enjoyed themselves by catching fish that they hadn’t before. Overall, it was a successful couple of days of fishing!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation