Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

This morning’s trip had me waiting at the ramp, with the boat on the trailer, for my clients. I wasn’t sure if they would still be willing to head out with the weather we were having and was pleasantly surprised when they arrived. Game on! We were heading out, regardless that it was pouring rain. A big wind from the SW was also responsible for the 3 footers on the lake. Hopefully they made the right decision!

After a nasty run to an area far from the launch, I set up some soft plastics for them to use. Dan and his 2 kids were about to catch some smallies from this shallow flat! Alexa was the first to hook up as a nice bass came to the net. Her brother Jonathan soon followed with one of equal size and both of them were officially on the board. Their father wasn’t really fishing much as he just wanted to watch them catch fish.

We had been here for less than an hour when the rain decided to quit falling. It was almost pleasant if not for the strong winds! At least it wasn’t wet anymore and removing our hoods, was definitely a plus!

Jonathan & Alexa were hooking up pretty regular and a good number of bass were landed by both. Although the bites weren’t fast and furious, the slow presentation of the soft plastics was definitely the ticket. Faster moving baits were tried, but without any success. I was limited to where I could go with these conditions, so I just concentrated on the area we were in. By covering the water thoroughly, they monopolized on the number of fish on these flats.

This morning flew by quickly and before I knew it, we were heading back. I knew that the run wouldn’t be pleasant and I was right. We were going with the wind and surfing 3 & 4 footers all the way to the ramp. Fortunately, with this boat we never got wet!

Everyone had a great time this morning, despite the conditions we were dealt. With the rain stopping shortly after we arrived at our first spot, it made everything much more pleasant. Both Alexa and her brother Jonathan managed to catch some good fish in our short time on the water. Their father also took plenty of videos and pics of them fighting all the bass they caught. You might say that we made the best of a not so perfect situation. Mother Nature tried, but I guess she failed this time!!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation